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New publications by insitu World Heritage consulting:
- Evelyn Behre, Boris Stemmer, Franziska Bernstein, Kersten Hänel (†), Hilke Schröder-Rühmkorf, Alissa Schäffner, Dorothee Boesler, Bernd Milde, Alexandra Kruse, Daniel Telaar, Birgit Steffen-Waschek, Janosch Sowa und Theresa Stipp: Etablierung und Förderung Grüner Infrastruktur in ländlichen Regionen − Ergebnisse aus der Voruntersuchung eines Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens. In: Natur und Landschaft 5/2024, DOI: 10.19217/NuL2024-05-02
zum Beitrag - Pozhidaeva, N., Kruse, A.
& V. Pozhidaev (2024): The European Baykal - Regional Development Inspired by the European Landscape Convention. p. 171-199. In: Matteini et al. (eds.), Cultivating Continuity of the European Landscape, Environmental History 15,, link
- Kruse, A. (2023): Das Grüne Band - Ein Kandidat für das Welterbe der Unesco – Natur und Land (vormals Blätter für Naturkunde und Naturschutz) – 2023_1: XXII-XXIII. article, complete volume
- Kruse, A., Renes, H., Andlar, G., Centeri, C., Eiter, S., Ferrario, V., Hooke, D., Kučera, Z., Puschmann, O., Sigura, M., Slámová, M., Šmid Hribar, M., Špulerová, J., Šrajer, F., Štefunková, D., Urbanc, M. & B. Gaillard (2022): Enclosed Landscapes as part of the European Agricultural Heritage. - In: Kruse, A. Enclosed Landscapes, Society for Landscape Studies Supplementary Series 3, series editor: Della Hooke, ISBN 978 0 09 5397 12 4, available here
- Kruse, A. & J. Dreer (2022): Fit für die Anforderungen der modernen Wanderweidewirtschaft. [Fit for the challenges of a modern transhumance] in: ASG - Ländlicher Raum - 04/2022: 26f
- Kruse, A., Höft-Schorpp, S. & S. Hotopp-Prigge (2021): Hollerlandschaft Altes Land. in: Niedersächsischer Denkmalatlas (online atlas on protected monuments) Link
- Slámová, M., Kruse, A., Belčáková, I. & J. Dreer (2021): "Old but Not Old Fashioned: Agricultural Landscapes as European Heritage and Basis for Sustainable Multifunctional Farming to Earn a Living". in Sustainability as part of the Special Issue "Exploring Agricultural Heritage in European and Mediterranean Countries". Sustainability 2021, 13(9), 4650;, Link
- Gaillard, B., Kruse, A. & M. Slamová (2020): "FEAL: Multifunctional farming and European agricultural landscapes". in Journal of European Landscapes, 1: 43-48, doi: 10.5117/JEL.2020.1.56038.
- Kruse, Alexandra & Bernd Paulowitz (2019): The Hollerroute – Landscape Awareness as a driving factore in regional development. TÁJÖKOLÓGIAILAPOK Journal of Landscape Ecology Vol 17, Special Issue 1: 19-31.
- Martina Slámová, Alexandra Kruse et al. (2019): Evaluation of Case Studies in European Agricultural Landscapes - The FEAL Project. TÁJÖKOLÓGIAILAPOK Journal of Landscape Ecology Vol 17, Special Issue 1: 5-17.
- Kruse, Alexandra & Bernd Paulowitz (2019): Holler Colonies and the Altes Land: A Vivid Example of the Importance of European Intangible and Tangible Heritage. In: Carola Hein (ed): Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future. Springer Open Access. book-flyer
- Špulerová, J., Kruse, A, Branduini, P., Centeri, C., Eiter, S., Ferrario, V., Gaillard, B., Gusmeroli, F., Jurgens, S., Kladnik, D., Renes, H., Roth, M., Sala, G., Sickel, H., Sigura, M., Štefunková, D., Stensgaard, K., Strasser, P., Ivascu, C.M. & K. Öllerer: Past, Present and Future of Hay-making Structures in Europe; Sustainability 2019, 11, 5581; doi:10.3390/su11205581;
- Renes, Hans, Csaba Centeri, Alexandra Kruse & Zdeněk Kučera: "The Future of Traditional Landscapes: Discussions and Visions" - Land 2019, 8(6), 98; (registering DOI)
- Renes, H., C
. Centeri, S. Eiter, B. Gaillard, A. Kruse, Z. Kučera, O. Puschmann, M. Roth, M. Slámová (2019): Water Meadows as European Agricultural Heritage. In: Carola Hein (ed): Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future. Springer Open Access. book-flyer
- COST RELY Action book published! "Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality" with Case Studies, 30 Country overviews, future reflections and many photos. Jovis publisher, download Book Flyers Jovis Flyer EN or Jovis Flyer DE
- "A tourism toll road in the biggest central European National Park – a paradigm? Or an antagonism? And what about the inhabitants’ expectations? – An Example from the Hohe Tauern National Park. by Alexandra Kruse & Peter Strasser full publication ofthe 6th Symposium on Research in Protected Areas :
Kruse, A. & B. Paulowitz (2018):UNESCO World Heritage as an opportunity for Mountain Landscapes - a trigger for development not only in the Alps. In: Journal of Landscape Ecology: 41-57 (2018 - Special Issue 1)
Kruse, A. & B. Gaillard (2018): Multifunktionale Landwirtschaft im Kontext europäischer Agrarlandschaften und gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen. In: Ländlicher Raum - Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft e.V.: p. 28-31 download